Machine Learning, CarrierWave::BombShelter, CoffeeScript 1.10.0, Upup, Telepat, Jotun и прочее0 ![]() ![]()
33 выпуск 03 сезона
добавлен 07.09.15 23:20
Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
Ruby Machine Learning made simple with Ruby и The plugin system of Sequel and Roda Active Support and Time и Application directories named as architectural patterns antipattern Extending Objects’ Behavior With Module#prepend и How to exit a Ruby program CarrierWave::BombShelter — is a module which protects your uploaders from image bombs, Restful-client — HTTP framework for micro-services based environment, build on top of typhoeus and servicejynx и Grape::Attack — a middleware for Grape to add endpoint-specific throttling The Soul of Software by Avdi Grimm (video) и Webinar: Phoenix Web Framework, with José Valim JavaScript jQuery Foundation and Dojo Foundation to Merge, Node.js 4.0.0rc1, CoffeeScript 1.10.0 и TypeScript 1.6 Beta Stop Using React for EVERYTHING!, React CSS Modules и How to miss the point when comparing web framework performance 5 Questions Every Unit Test Must Answer, Upup — a tiny script that makes sure your site is always there for your users и Webm.js — a simple one-page application that allows you to convert videos to WebM format right into your browser Telepat — an open-source backend stack, designed to deliver information and information updates in real-time to clients, while allowing for flexible deployment and simple scaling и Chocolat.js — the lightbox jquery plugin Wallop — a minimal JavaScript library for showing & hiding elements, Jotun — convert JS objects into vectors и HTML5 Deck of Cards
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