Immutable strings in Ruby 2.3, Rails Anti-Pattern: Fat Decorator, Websocket task queue и прочее0 ![]() ![]()
46 выпуск 03 сезона
добавлен 15.12.15 22:51
Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
Ruby Immutable strings in Ruby 2.3, 25,000+ Req/s for Rack JSON API with MRuby и Passenger security advisory: CVE-2015-7519 header overwriting Rails Anti-Pattern: Fat Decorator, 4 ways to get the most out of your rails logs и Speeding Up Bulk Imports in Rails Ensure you understand ensure, Tips for Upgrading Rails 3.2 to Rails 4.2.5, How to Crash an Airplane by Nickolas Means (video) и Your own ‘Images as a Service’ by Andy Croll (video) JavaScript December Security Release Summary (node.js), ES7 Proposal: The Pipeline Operator и Explaining few strange behavior of setTimeout() with code snippet Websocket task queue, The «Blur Up» Technique for Loading Background Images и Twitter’s Heart Animation in Full CSS Documentation.js — documentation generation system, Viewer — a simple jQuery image viewing plugin и KharkivJS #5 2015 (videos)
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