Encryption on Rails, Symbol GC in Ruby 2.2, Gitcolony, Browserify VS Webpack, Lightning и прочее0 ![]() ![]()
03 выпуск 03 сезона
добавлен 27.01.15 00:05
Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
Ruby Encryption on Rails — A Primer, Rubyists: Just use double-quoted strings и Debugging Ruby: killing puts one pry at a time Symbol GC in Ruby 2.2 и Single Responsibility Principle: Why Does it Matter? Tuning Ruby’s Global Method Cache и Tail Call Optimization in Ruby: Deep Dive Passenger-Docker — a Docker base image for Ruby, Python, Node.js and Meteor web apps и Gitcolony — new tool for improving code quality JavaScript Browserify VS Webpack — JS Drama и Why AJAX Isn’t Enough Composer.js — a javascript MVC library that provides a means to organize and scale complex single-page applications и Riot.js — a React-like user interface library Tuxx is a feature complete framework built on the React view layer, Flux Architecture, and CommonJS modules и Griddle is a simple grid component for use with React Lightning — data visualization server и Matter.js — html5 javascript physics engine Leaflet Tips and Tricks (free book), Insignia — плагин, позволяющий создавать поле для ввода тэгов и Sortable — is a JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices
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