Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
Релизы Bundler 1.9, ROM 0.6.0 и Lotus 0.3.0
Upcoming changes in Rails 5.0 и Observer pattern in 3 languages — Ruby, C# and Elixir
Ruby Natural Language Processing Resources и Revitalizing pg_morph
Very High Performance C Extensions For JRuby+Truffle и Using Docker to Parallelize Rails Tests
Work Flow and Making Progress, Crono — a time-based background job scheduler daemon (just like Cron) for Rails и Ryan Bates is back
IO.js 1.6 и React Native published
The destructuring algorithm in ECMAScript 6 и Splat Parameters in JavaScript
AngularJS 2.0: Crazy Like A Fox? и Oxygen — an object-oriented methodology for stylesheets
Intern — software testing for humans и Type.js — typography tools for better web type
React Native & Relay: Bringing Modern Web Techniques to Mobile (video) и Animation Timeline in Chrome DevTools (video)
Релизы Rails: 4.2.1, 4.1.10 и Ruby Together (подробнее на русском)
Simple Neural Network implementation in Ruby via the nmatrix gem и Using Neo4j with Ruby on Rails
Reading Rails — Time Travel и No It’s DateTime!
Regression Driven Tests и Why Feature Testing is Important
Ruby Timeout, how does it even work? и Tracking down unused templates
Run Chrome Apps on Mobile Using Apache Cordova и Hamsa — a dead simple, data-binding and observable model
MuJS is a lightweight Javascript interpreter designed for embedding in other software to extend them with scripting capabilities и Motion sensing using the doppler effect
SVG Tools And Resources You Might Want To See и Textures.js — SVG patterns for Data Visualization
AniCollection — коллекция CSS-анимаций и We Will All Be Game Programmers (video)
Angular Basics (free book) и Your First Meteor Application (free book)
InfraRuby 3.6 — a statically-typed Ruby which compiles into Java Bytecode, Phusion Passenger 5.0.4 и Rails 4 Performance Tips
Numeric Bases and Defining Your Own и Ignore query strings in Ruby on Rails caching with rack-cache
The Recipe for the World’s Largest Rails Monolith и 3 ways to integrate Ruby on Rails + React + Flux
Creating a Ruby DSL и Regexy — collection of useful regular expressions for ruby and rails
React v0.13 и React Is A Terrible Idea
Churn и Taming the asynchronous beast with ES7
ArchieML — a structured text format optimized for human writability, LocalFont — Implement localStorage web font caching in seconds и CSS Sans — a font made only with CSS
Side Effects in CSS и Выразительный Javascript (перевод на русский)
Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
Phusion Passenger 5.0.2 и Running a Rails app on Docker using the Passenger image
8 Things I Learned During 8 Years of Ruby and Rails и 7 must have Development Gems to install on every project
From Ruby to C# и How to get anything done? — 4 tips
Travis-Dedup: cancel duplicate builds on new commit to same PR и Airbrussh — pretties up your SSHKit and Capistrano output
Angular 2.0 website, TypeScript
Релиз Ruby 2.0.0-p643, Ruby 2.2.1, Support for Ruby 1.9.3 ends и Fast Ruby
Why blocks make Ruby methods 439% slower и 4 Ruby methods that are an order of magnitude faster, and 22 other optimizations
Service Objects in Rails и Hacking S-expressions into Ruby
Using the Sucker Punch ruby gem to cache Stripe data in Rails и Replacing the Rails asset pipeline with Gulp
Railyard — sandboxes Rails и React.rb — an Opal Ruby wrapper for React.js
Lightroom on React.js и Implement text editor DOM updates manually instead of via React
JavaScript: Shim vs Polyfill и Choosing your next best tool
The Evolution of Airbnb’s Frontend (slides) и Angularjs Performance (slides)
Docco — a quick-and-dirty documentation generator, SVG Scrolling Animation Triggered By ScrollMagic и Polylion — создание полигонального льва с помощью SVG
JavaScript ❤ Unicode и Audio Podcasts in Javascript and Web Developer
Rails on Docker и Test Drive Your Dockerfiles with RSpec and ServerSpec
Different Methods for Merging Ruby Hashes, Why attr_accessor is 3x faster than getters and setters, and 8x faster than define_method и The Life of an HTTP Request in Rails
Life Beyond Rails: A Brief Look at Alternate Web Frameworks for Ruby и Using PostgreSQL and jsonb with Ruby on Rails
Predicting Test Failures и RSpec-Varys — a plugin to RSpec-Mocks that generates new specs for any unverified calls to test-doubles
Why doesn’t my code work outside of Rails? и What is Rack?
HTTP/2 Proposed Standard и RSCSS — Reasonable Standard for CSS Stylesheet Structure
Introduction to Facebook’s Flux architecture и Introducing Relay and GraphQL
Terrible JavaScript Mistakes To Avoid With A Static Code Analyzer и Solving common node/io.js callback problems
Vega: A Visualization Grammar, DarkLord — NodeJS Authentication Solution и JS2PNG — hide Javascript code inside PNG images
DefiantJS — perform lightning-fast searches on JSON using XPath expressions, ItemSlide.js — a simple and beautiful touch carousel и Memory-stats.js — minimal monitor for JS Heap Size via performance.memory
Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
Weird stuff with hashes и New Methods in Ruby 2.2
Low hanging fruits for better SQL performance in Rails и Using insensitive-case columns in PostgreSQL with citext
Static is the New Dynamic — Jekyll is the New Ruby Killer App и A Fast Blogging Solution: Building a Simple Jekyll Blog
Rails Polymorphic Associations и The Ruby Newbies community
Ember.js 1.10.0 и 1.11, SqueakJS — a Squeak VM in JavaScript и Predicting Likes: Inside A Simple Recommendation Engine
Plumin.js — create and manipulate fonts using JavaScript, Web Font Loader и HubPress — a web application to build your Blog on GitHub
Stapes.js — a little Javascript framework that does just enough и Reapp — hybrid apps, fast
Texgen.js — procedural texture generator и Обучающий курс «Expert ES6»
Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
Incremental Garbage Collection in Ruby 2.2 и Getting Into Rails Model Queries
Ruby Concurrency and Parallelism: A Practical Primer и Why Learning to Code is So Damn Hard
Giving Rails a Speedy Contribution и Code with Style... Use Style Guides
Disable dangerous rake tasks in production, Ansible for Rubyists и Comcast — simulating network connectuon issues
Релизы Node v0.12.0 и PhantomJS 2.0
First Impressions using React Native и Takeaways from React.js Conf 2015
Google SoundScript: faster OOP for JavaScript и Popularity-driven development
Let’s Write Fast JavaScript и lz-string: JavaScript compression, fast!
Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
Ruby serialization formats и Sorting an ActiveRecord relation by PostgreSQL hstore value with Arel
Feature Flags in Ruby Part I, Part II, Part III и 10 easy-to-fix Ruby / Ruby on Rails mistakes
Session storage and security in Rails и Ruby Exceptions Equality
Devise::Async::Stretch и Panthro — the RubyGems Proxy Cache
ClassyJSON — dynamically create classes based on a JSON payload и Prometheus — an open-source service monitoring system and time series database
Релиз CoffeeScript 1.9 и Vivaldi browser
ECMAScript 6 эквиваленты в ES5 и Replace CoffeeScript with ES6
Глубинные особенности AngularJS и LumX — front-end фреймворк на AngularJS и Google Material Design — add serverless video chat and data transfer to your site, Tint UI — библиотека трендовых цветов с пипеткой и Wallaby.JS — test runner for JavaScript
React Native Keynote 1, Keynote 2 и IO.js vs Node.js (video)
Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
Encryption on Rails — A Primer, Rubyists: Just use double-quoted strings и Debugging Ruby: killing puts one pry at a time
Symbol GC in Ruby 2.2 и Single Responsibility Principle: Why Does it Matter?
Tuning Ruby’s Global Method Cache и Tail Call Optimization in Ruby: Deep Dive
Passenger-Docker — a Docker base image for Ruby, Python, Node.js and Meteor web apps и Gitcolony — new tool for improving code quality
Browserify VS Webpack — JS Drama и Why AJAX Isn’t Enough
Composer.js — a javascript MVC library that provides a means to organize and scale complex single-page applications и Riot.js — a React-like user interface library
Tuxx is a feature complete framework built on the React view layer, Flux Architecture, and CommonJS modules и Griddle is a simple grid component for use with React
Lightning — data visualization server и Matter.js — html5 javascript physics engine
Leaflet Tips and Tricks (free book), Insignia — плагин, позволяющий создавать поле для ввода тэгов и Sortable — is a JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices
RWpod - подкаст про мир Ruby и Web технологии (для тех, кому нравится мыслить в Ruby стиле).
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Последняя запись: 30 января 2017 года
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